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Ssc office of small business programs tameika wanzo

The SSC Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) plays a critical role in fostering relationships between small businesses and government agencies. By facilitating opportunities for small businesses to contribute to government contracts, the OSBP helps drive innovation, support economic growth, and ensure the success of small enterprises. One of the key leaders making an impact in this area is Tameika Wanzo, who has made significant contributions to the success and outreach of the SSC Office of Small Business Programs.

Who is Tameika Wanzo?

Tameika Wanzo is a dedicated leader and advocate for small businesses within the government contracting landscape. As a professional working in the SSC Office of Small Business Programs, Wanzo has focused on increasing small business participation in federal procurement, ensuring that these businesses have access to resources and opportunities to work with various government sectors. Her work is vital to connecting small businesses with contracting opportunities in a competitive and complex environment.

The Role of the SSC Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP)

The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SSC) Office of Small Business Programs is responsible for ensuring that small businesses have equal opportunities to participate in federal contracting. The OSBP works to:

  • Increase Small Business Participation: By developing outreach programs and providing valuable resources, the office ensures that small businesses can compete for federal contracts, fostering a diverse and competitive marketplace.
  • Assist Small Businesses with Compliance and Regulations: Navigating federal procurement processes can be challenging. The OSBP provides guidance and support to small businesses to help them understand regulatory requirements and meet compliance standards.
  • Promote Economic Growth: Through its efforts to engage small businesses, the OSBP contributes to local and national economic growth by supporting job creation and promoting innovation.

Tameika Wanzo’s Contributions

Tameika Wanzo’s leadership and expertise in the OSBP have been instrumental in helping small businesses succeed in government contracting. Her key contributions include:

  1. Outreach and Advocacy:
    Wanzo has been a strong advocate for small business inclusion in federal contracts, emphasizing the importance of diverse suppliers and helping to break down barriers that small businesses may face. Through various outreach programs and initiatives, she has worked to ensure that small businesses have access to valuable resources and networking opportunities.
  2. Guidance and Support:
    Understanding the complexities of government procurement is essential for small businesses to thrive. Wanzo has been a key figure in providing guidance and support to small business owners, helping them navigate the intricacies of the federal contracting process. Her work ensures that small businesses have the tools and knowledge needed to compete successfully.
  3. Strengthening Relationships:
    Through her efforts, Wanzo has helped strengthen relationships between small businesses and government agencies. By facilitating communication and understanding, she has played a pivotal role in ensuring that small businesses can effectively collaborate with government contractors and agencies.
  4. Focus on Innovation:
    One of Wanzo’s key focuses has been on fostering innovation through small business partnerships. By encouraging small businesses to bring innovative solutions to the table, she has helped drive technological advancements and contributed to the overall success of various government projects.

Importance of Small Business Programs

Small businesses are the backbone of the economy, and programs like those offered by the SSC Office of Small Business Programs are crucial in ensuring their continued success. Through efforts like those led by Tameika Wanzo, small businesses gain access to lucrative government contracts that can fuel growth, innovation, and job creation.

Government contracts can provide small businesses with the financial stability and credibility needed to scale their operations. By working with government agencies, these businesses can not only grow but also contribute to national projects and programs of significant importance.


Tameika Wanzo’s work at the SSC Office of Small Business Programs is a testament to the importance of leadership, advocacy, and support  ssc office of small business programs tameika wanzo in promoting small business success within the government contracting sphere. Through her efforts, she has helped to create a more inclusive and innovative environment for small businesses, ensuring that they have the tools and opportunities needed to compete in a challenging marketplace.

The SSC OSBP, with leaders like Wanzo, continues to play a pivotal role in connecting small businesses to government opportunities, fostering economic growth, and supporting the development of groundbreaking technologies and solutions.



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